

3 Day Reiki Session Registration Form


I got this line of code by using a page w/o divi builder and then use the icon to select the form. Be sure loggine into JF first.


This particular session is for those long time clients who have become, through time and observation, very energy aware. They already trust my services and know that a remote distance healing Reiki session can, and often does, precipitate changes even days and weeks after the completion of the Reiki session. The reason why this is so, is that Reiki has a divine wisdom of it’s own and ONLY works for your highest and best.

Concerning our goals and intentions, we all want to get from A -> Z FAST. Such is human nature 🙂
The Reiki energy needs to set up changes which are often sequential. Once a change takes place, there is no choice but to alter the events and circumstances which WERE lining up prior to the energy session. The path that you were taking prior to the Reiki session, is now altered in a new and more positive direction. All this is working for you highest and greatest good. These changes can often be subtle and unnoticed in the moment. To increase your self awareness on the emotional, spiritual and physical levels one needs to become aware. A great way to facilitate your growth and healing is to create and actually use an energy healing journal. 
*  First, describe where you were physically, emotionally and spiritually before the Reiki session.
* Second, record the date(s) of your remote distance healing Reiki session.
* Third, make it a point observe yourself on all three levels. Be sure to record the changes in your journal. TRUST, that each shift is working toward your highest and greatest  good. Avoid judging and doubting what you observe. The energy is intelligent and knows what it is doing. Example: Let’s say your intention is to heal your big toe. During the session you may remember an incident in your childhood. There is a reason why this memory came up. It can be that the pain of that childhood event needed to be recognized, accepted and then let go. Could there be a connection between that event and your painful big toe? Perhaps there is a connection, however, just trust that your soul/higher self felt that the healing of the childhood event was a much greater priority. 

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