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Remote Distance Reiki Intensive Sessions

all have the twenty four hour cycles. One has the choice of choosing from a variety of plans to suite your needs.

There are Reiki Continuous Non-Stop plans which basically are a certain number days in a row. The sessions begin and end at their respective times. These plans do have a predetermined end date.
There are also Reiki Subscriptions. The days are still measured by 24 hours units, however, the predetermined days do not stop at a predetermined date. Subscriptions renew automatically until the purchaser of the session manually ends the subscription.

Reiki Intensives Plans

One Day

This plan is designed for those familiar with the quality of the energy I channel and just want a short session to help them get through a rough patch.
The access to the soul shower of Reiki healing energy  begins immediately upon payment, regardless of what you and I are doing at the moment. The soul access to the Reiki energy lasts for 24 hours.

$ 22.00 USD



Three Days

This three consecutive days plan is great for issues, events and situations which feel like they will be short lived. Truly, it is always up to you. One can try this short three day session and, upon completion, use your intuition to determine if more energy would be of value to you at this moment in time. 
If you are new to and unfamiliar with my Reiki channeling services, three days is a nice way to start.
As always, the Reiki healing energy  begins immediately upon payment,

$ 44.00 USD



Seven Days

Your soul always knows how much Reiki energy you need. At times, it is always great to start receiving energy prior to and after an event. Once again, go within to decide which session is best for you at the time.

Beginning immediately this loving and calming energy will be yours to enjoy for seven consecutive days.

$ 55.00 USD



Fourteen Days

A fourteen day plan can be used for situations which require a longer duration  of round the clock sweet calming Reiki than can be obtained from shorter sessions.
By beginning immediatley, time is not wasted waiting for me to get to a computer to find your registration email. I have clients around the world. If I am sleeping, they will still recieve Reiki help. When in session, Reiki energy will be flowing your way day and night for fourteen consecutive days.

$ 88.00 USD



Thirty Days

This thirty day plan is the longest consecutive day plan I have available.
Clearly one knows if this is the right plan in the moment. By the end of the session, a recipient has a better handle on which direction to go next. Again, your intuition is your best friend. Listen to it.
Reiki’s loving energy will be immediatly available to your soul/higher self to use for thirty consecutive days.

$ 157.00 USD



Three Day


A subscription is a plan which auto-renews until the recipient chooses to end it. By using a subscription it  saves the recipient the time of submitting a registration form over and over again. Sunday, Wednesday and Friday is the cycle I follow. You would be receiving 24 hour access to Reiki on these three days.   
* By purchasing this plan, you are purchasing a 3 day week which begins on Sunday, therefore, I highly recommend you get in your purchase a couple days prior to your starting day which is  Sunday.
Again, be guided by your own inner wisdom when choosing your plan. Some use this subscription as a “maintenance” plan. Other might be coming off a thirty day plan and want to ease down to less Reiki a week. These are personal choices. Only you know what you need.

$ 44.00 USD




* First Name

* Last Name

* PayPal Transaction ID

* E-mail Address

* Street Address

* Town or City

* State or Province

* Country

* Zip or postal code

* Phone

Female                Male

Reason for Session – Brief (optional)

Present Past Future

Date of Past or Future Event (optional)

For Self        For Other Recipient


*Please respond to only that which applies.*

Person’s First Name, Pet’s Name, Project Title, Event Title such as meeting…etc.

Last Name (optional)

Country (optional)

Age (optional)

Female Recipient      Male Recipient


Please respond to only that which applies.

* First Name

* Last Name

* PayPal Transaction ID

* E-mail Address

* Street Address

* Town or City

* State or Province

* Country

* Zip or postal code

* Phone

Female                Male

Reason for Session – Brief (optional)

Present Past Future

Date of Past or Future Event (optional)

For Self        For Other Recipient



*Please respond to only that which applies.*

Person’s First Name, Pet’s Name, Project Title, Event Title such as meeting…etc.

Last Name (optional)

Country (optional)

Age (optional)

Female Recipient      Male Recipient



Purchaser Information (from old AM form on John’s server…but changed 3 lines)
*Please respond to only that which applies.*
* Symbol is a required field*

* First name




* Last name





* PayPal Transaction ID
(17 digits, just copy & paste)





* Street address





* Town or city





* State or Province





* Zip or postal code





* Country




             Birthday Month (optional)

Birthday Day #(optional)


* Phone Number











* E-mail address





* Self

other Recipient





Reason for Session – Brief (optional)












                 Date of Past or Future Event (optional)






Recipient Information
*Please respond to only that which applies.*

* Person’s First Name, Pet’s Name, Project Title, Event Title such as meeting…etc.




                 Last Name  (optional)





                  Country  (optional)





                  Age  (optional)





* Female










Please respond to only that which applies.

* First Name

* Last Name

* PayPal Transaction ID

* E-mail Address

* Street Address

* Town or City

* State or Province

* Country

* Zip or postal code

* Phone


Reason for Session – Brief (optional)

Present Past Future

Date of Past or Future Event (optional)

For Self For Other Recipient



*Please respond to only that which applies.*

Person’s First Name, Pet’s Name, Project Title, Event Title such as meeting…etc.

Last Name (optional)

Country (optional)

Age (optional)

Female Recipient
Male Recipient


1 Day

3 Days

7 Days

14 Days

30 Days

3 Day Sub.

Reiki With Trust


Reiki With Trust


This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!


Event Sessions

rora Mistica™ can be directed to just about anything as long as the intent is pure and will not interfere with the free will of another.The recipient can be a person, pet, situation, project, corporate team, sports team, event and so much more.In addition to typically being using Aurora Mistica™ to help our personal physical, emotional and spiritual challenges, Aurora Mistica™ can be used in so many other ways.Listed below are a few additional and creative uses of Aurora Mistica™’s energy.
Space Blessing
A Space Blessing Aurora Mistica™ Session can be used to cleanse any area such as a room, house or building.
An example could be a Real Estate agent using Aurora Mistica™ to energetically purify a home.

read more…
Group Sessions
An Aurora Mistica™ session can be directly to the workings of a sports team, corporate group or committee. Any group assembled for a common purpose could benefit from the intellignet influence of Aurora Mistica™. read more…
Pet Sessions
Like us, our pets have their own challenges. Animals are very sensitive to energy. Pets, as well as people, benefit from the influence of this beautiful energy. As our pets follow their own path, they too could use some more…
Plant Sessions
Plants are also living things. I, for one, am very attached to my plants. They give me a great deal of joy and comfort. I believe that the reason spending time in nature feels so good is that we benefit from the calm grounding enegy of the Plant Kingdom.Often we forget that plants also have challenges. As a Biologist, I feel the need to remind the reader that life on earth is hugely dependent on the survival of plants. Our food chain begins with small chlorophyll bearing organisms in our oceans. Most of our oxygen, as well as our entire food source, depends on the survival of plants. It behooves us to fiercly protect and clean up our beautiful planet so as to ensure the survival of our planet and its inhabitants.
Weather Sessions
Turbulance in weather is often a mirror of turbulence of the mass consciousness’s thoughts and beliefs. If part of a population is focusing on peace at the same time weekly, there have been scientifcally proven statistics which indicate a statistically significant reduction of violent crime during that time period. I also believe that our thoughts & focus can and do influence the weather, as well as everything else.Without getting into the details of how it came to pass…I have found that directing energy to a storm has helped reduce its level of disturbance and damage. From my own personl experience, I have learned that, even while in terror, directing energy to a tornado miraculously avoided damage to my property as well as that of my neighbors.
My fallen sixty foot twin maples appeared to have been placed precisely where they would not damage property. Since then, I feel that directing energy to a storm does, indeed, help while avoiding interferring with the free will and path of others.